Introduction The world’s population is growing over the years, in 1959 the world’s population was 3 billion and increased to 6 billion in 1999, it doubled up in 40 years’ time The number estimated for 2050 is almost 10 billion after it reached 7 billion in 2016. This increase in population led to continual...
Introduction There are plenty of approaches that can lead to sustainable development, while sustainability is one of the most essential practices used in modern urban planning these days. Planet earth is facing many threats due to lack of planning and ignorance of human. One of the biggest threats is the fact that...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nunc justo, tristique eget finibus sit amet, maximus mattis turpis. Proin nec aliquam metus. Nulla turpis eros, pellentesque convallis arcu in, vestibulum venenatis felis. Phasellus eleifend nisl ac nunc finibus elementum. Aenean ac tellus auctor,...